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The great success of "Gift a Tree with Vuemme" 372 trees were planted in three important Italian protected natural areas

We are pleased to announce the success of the environmental initiative "Gift a Tree with Vuemme". This initiative led to the planting of 372 trees in three different protected natural areas on Italian soil, with two years of guaranteed maintenance, thus contributing to preserving the beauty and balance of local ecosystems. Thanks to the involvement and enthusiasm of our customers, we have managed to take a small but significant step towards a greener planet. Change begins with simple gestures.

The great success of "Gift a Tree with Vuemme" 372 trees were planted in three important Italian protected natural areas - The great success of "Gift a Tree with Vuemme" 372 trees were planted in three important Italian protected natural areas

The 372 trees were planted in three important Italian protected natural areas. In the Po Piemontese Natural Park, a unique and precious environment, trees have been planted capable of enriching the diversity and vitality of the local flora and fauna. In the Piemonte park in Turin, the trees will help create a healthier and more refreshing atmosphere for visitors and residents of the city. Finally, in the "Cavallino Treporti" park in the Venice lagoon, the trees and shrubs will help preserve the delicate balance of this unique habitat and address the environmental challenges that the lagoon is facing in these recent years of climate change.

News  Vuemme

The "Gift a Tree with Vuemme" initiative has not only had a positive impact on the environment, but has also sparked a sense of community and shared responsibility between our customers and the company. Our commitment to the environment doesn't stop here. We will continue to explore new initiatives and strategies that promote sustainability and environmental conservation.

News  Vuemme

We want to thank Mosaico Verde and Legambiente for having organized and concretely implemented such a virtuous project. Then we would like to express our deepest gratitude to all our customers who have joined this initiative and contributed to its success. We are grateful for your trust and for being part of this important mission to protect and preserve our planet. We believe that every small step towards a more sustainable and green future is essential, and we will continue to work to advance positive initiatives that have a lasting impact on the environment and community. Together, we can make a difference.

News  Vuemme