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Autopromotec Observatory: Car repairs, growing activity in 2022 and 2023

Autopromotec Observatory: Car repairs, growing activity in 2022 and 2023 - Autopromotec Observatory: Car repairs, growing activity in 2022 and 2023

After a decidedly negative first part of the year, the second half of 2022 was positive for the car assistance sector. This is what emerged from the opinions of operators regarding workshop activities, analyzed by the Barometer on the sentiment of the car assistance sector, developed by the Autopromotec Observatory on the basis of monthly surveys conducted on a representative sample of car repair workshops. In particular, at the end of 2022 the balance of car repairers' opinions was positive with +9%. In addition to analyzing the sentiment of operators on the activities, the level of workshop prices was also taken into consideration. In October, there were more operators who judged prices to be high than those who judged them to be low.

News  Vuemme

2023 started in a positive way for the car assistance sector: with 22% of Italian car repairers defining the level of workshop activities carried out in January as "high", compared to 8% who instead defined it as "low". and the remaining 70% who rated it as "normal" (Barometer data processed by the Autopromotec Observatory). The balance between positive and negative opinions, equal to +14 percentage points, is lower than that of December (+24) and November (+20), but much higher than that recorded in January 2022 (-11) and in the other months last year, thus confirming a long-standing positive trend. The Barometer also examines the price situation, which in January remained at normal levels for 79% of car repairers, high for 17% and low for only 4%, and provides forecasts for the next three/four months, promising stability and growth. Such a trend can only make you smile after years of uncertainty and "crisis", opening the way to investments and new opportunities in an increasingly innovative and "green" world.

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